2014年6月27日 星期五

Days of our lives - Jensen (Eric Brady)

ERIC正直善良, 可惜愛上有心計的女人NICOLE, 跟她過去不快的遭遇有關,  ERIC 亦傷害了純良的Greta. 不過, GRETA 的守身如玉, 真的令人覺得欠說服力, 因為ERIC對待她真的很好, 可能她一直都感覺到ERIC 愛的是NICOLE, 所以堅守自己的貞操. ERIC也算君子, 可以有耐性等, 但畢竟是年輕男性, NICOLE來得更吸引吧! DOOL-肥皂劇, 愛情, 懸疑, 查案....婆婆媽媽, 拖拉的劇情,  為了吸引觀眾, 有些地方很誇張, 亦有些地方令人得啖笑. ERIC都有DEAN的影子, 在某些表情及說話方式.

2013年12月21日 星期六

2012年4月29日 Fringe 4x20

Jones當正自己是" 神", 毀滅現今世界, 再重建, 更製造 "新品種".  美國科幻劇好容易就推進到"世界末日"的層面, 結果雷聲大, 雨點小, 收拾殘局的方法, 有時候很兒戲, 希望Fringe不會如此.  今集為了阻止Jones的陰謀, 兩個世界迫於無奈要斷絕關係,  兩個世界臨別的一刻, 場面頗傷感! 最捨不得Lincoln, 但此安排卻是合情合理. 平行世界應該後會無期, 第五季只得13集, 要舖排Observers的故事,  那有多餘時間節外生枝?!

FRINGE 終於獲得續訂SEASON 5 and FANS VIDEO 2012年4月27日

收視如此低的情況下, FOX 及WARNER BROS 終於達成協議, 讓FRINGE 可以續訂最後一季第五季13集. 我真的有點激動, 多謝FOX 的堅持,  蝕錢都要讓FRINGE埋尾 ! 第五季, 終於可以看到FRINGE DIVISION VS OBSERVERS ! 解決第十九集一大堆疑團. OLIVIA究竟有沒有死?William Bell 對OLIVIA 做了什麼?   ETTA 身上掛的子彈, 是有什麼意思? ETTA 點解要改名?   SIMON 那一組密碼0921...., 是否FRINGE SEASON 5 回歸日期?



13 Episodes Ordered for 2012-2013 Season

FOX has picked up FRINGE for a fifth and final 13-episode season, it was announced today by Kevin Reilly, President of Entertainment, Fox Broadcasting Company.

“FRINGE is a remarkably creative series that has set the bar as one of television’s most imaginative dramas. Bringing it back for a final 13 allows us to provide the climactic conclusion that its passionate and loyal fans deserve,” said Reilly “The amazing work the producers, writers and the incredibly talented cast and crew have delivered the last four seasons has literally been out of this world. Although the end is bittersweet, it’s going to be a very exciting final chapter.”

FRINGE co-creator and executive producer J.J. Abrams added, “We are thrilled and beyond grateful that FOX – and our fans – have made the impossible possible: FRINGE will continue into a fifth season that will allow the series to conclude in a wild and thrilling way. All of us at Bad Robot are forever indebted to our viewers and the amazingly supportive FOX network for allowing the adventures of Fringe Division to not only continue, but to resolve in a way that perfectly fits the show.”

“This pickup means the world (both of them) to us, because we love sharing these stories with our enthusiastic fans,” added FRINGE showrunners and executive producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman. “On behalf of the cast and crew, we applaud our fans and FOX for allowing us to imagine the impossibilities together for so long. Season Five is going to be a conclusive thrill ride for all of us.”

FRINGE’s compelling fourth season concludes with three all-new FRINGE Friday episodes in a row, counting down to the two-part season finale on Friday, May 4 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) and Friday, May 11 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT). In “Worlds Apart,” airing Friday, April 27 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT), team members on both sides, including Olivia (Anna Torv) and Peter (Joshua Jackson), continue to fight for a common cause, and there are shocking developments tied to the Cortexiphan children.

Created by J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, FRINGE is produced by Bad Robot Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television. Abrams, Bryan Burk, Jeff Pinkner, J.H. Wyman and Joe Chappelle serve as executive producers, while Kurtzman, Orci and Akiva Goldsman are consulting producers. Additionally, Pinkner and Wyman serve as the series’ showrunners. “Like” FRINGE on Facebook at www.facebook.com/fringe. Follow the series on Twitter @fringeonfox and join the conversation at #Fringe.

Fringe Fans 爭取 Season 5真的不遺餘力,  這個video 來自68個國家的FANS ' PHOTOS , 還有一些劇中的句字, 組合而成, 好有心意, 誠意的FANS VID !

Fringe 4X19 2012年4月21日

今日FOX推出了一個全新的《Fringe》片頭來配合第十九集. 看完的網民, 都說"震撼". 《Fringe》片頭往往是表達一種概念. 而第十九集, 故事設定為2036, 片頭讓人感覺到, 未來世界, 我們可能活在一個沒有個人思想, 沒有歡樂, 沒有自由自主的世界裡. 如果我們真的活在這世界, 可以說是比死更難受. 雖然《Fringe》前途未卜, 但他們對片頭, 宣傳片仍然一絲不苟,  具有創意及概念 !!  


今集Fringe背景是2036年, Observers 統治下的世界, 人民在被監視下生活, 每一個人更被給予編號, 猶如活在納粹時代的集中營. 而Fringe Division 亦只是聽命於Observers 阿頭-Windmark. 而Division的舊組員, 包括Walter, Peter, Astrid, William Bell 等都被封在琥珀之內. Fight The Future , 就要靠Etta, Simon這倆位未來世界的組員暗中出手. Etta, Simon 成了今集的主要演員, 劇情依然緊張刺激, 他們營救Walter, 幫助Walter恢復記憶, 逃避追捕, 45分鐘沒有冷場.  Etta, Simon 好稱職, 如果有SEASON 5, 希望可以保留他們. Simon 犧牲自己把Peter換回來, 他微笑一句:" the world needs him. "  看到他鬆容不迫慷慨就義, 我有點眼濕濕. 今集Olivia沒有出現, Peter亦只是出現了一分鐘. 他出現這一分鐘, 就是要交代ETTA 是誰吧!   

Fringe 4X18 2012年4月15日

今集FRINGE, 開始揭開Jones的陰謀, 亦知道了為何平行世界的Broyles會幫Jones. 但毀滅2個世界對Jones有什麼好處呢? 此外, 看完今集, 產生了兩個疑問 ! 第一, 既然Peter知道已經回到自己的時間軸, 那麼Walternate, Elizabeth是他的親生父母, 就算對Walternate無感情, 但母親Elizabeth在第八, 九集如此賣力協助他回家, 是否應該跟生母相認, 見面呢? 如果今集安排Peter去平行世界查案, 而不是Walter,  順道探望父母,  劇情顯得順利成章.  此外, 原來那部末日機器還在平行世界自由島,  當初第九集, Walternate卻說幫不到Peter? 

Fringe S04E19 Letters of Transit preview 2012年4月14日

如果看TV LINE的報導, Joshua Jackson透露第十九集,  "Letters of Transit" 是開啟第五季之門, 即第五季之路向.  如果FOX 續訂, 第五季有可能就是Fringe Division Vs Observers.  而第十九集的Teaser, 早在第十八集未播映之前, 已經推出了2 個Teaser, 還以快速搜畫方法, 網民要把片速調低, " 慢鏡" 才可以看到畫面隱藏了的影像, 亦要 "Backmasked",  將畫面由片尾REWIND 至片頭, 會聽到不同訊息.  觀眾就如Fringe Division的一員, 要自己尋找答案 . 而第十九集的設定是2036年, 所以有新角色加入, 那些慢格畫面出現的人物, 又是誰呢? 

Teaser#1 像是Observers要遵守的規則 ?? 
"Serve, Obey, Heed" , "No Imagination, No Due Process, No Private Thought, No Individuality, No Joy, No Free Will, No Education, No Freedom" , "Native on native killing cannot stand, not on my watch."

Teaser#2 " Your Division is in charge of native crime,  would you rather I was in  charge of native crime "  
(  "Your Division" 是指OBSERVERS ???  ,     "I"    指David Robert Jones   ??? )
而Backmasked 之後, 會聽到 "  "Denied!" and "Ancient" 2 個英文字. 

Slowmotion 版本
, 可以看到內隱藏畫面. 
Teaser #1  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZq-M1XIpdE
Teaser #2  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8BQx0rTgFY&feature=related
Teaser #3  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG0gAdOuxcY&feature=related

Spoiler TV 有 Backmasked 版本